# Form Configuration

The PMG platform includes a robust set of Form Elements which comprise components for configuring the content on Forms.

# Local vs. Shared

Forms may contain their own fields, unique to the form (Local Form), or refer to a single shared form (Shared Form), or a mixed mode, containing its own special fields, while also referring to one or more additional shared forms, through the Shared Form field type.

# Local Form

To define Form Elements for a Service locally, select “Local form”.

Form Elements support many layout and input types. To add an element to a form, click the “Add Form Element” button and choose the appropriate Form Element Type. Repeat this process until all Form Elements are added.

# Form Template

Shared forms allow for multiple services to share a single form definition. Shared forms are managed as a catalog administrator from Administration, Content Management, Shared Forms. Shared forms are defined much like Form Elements within an individual service definition. To use a Form Template for a service, select “Form template” and select a “Form template”.

# Saved Form Sets

Form Sets allows a Catalog Administrator to reuse previously defined Form Sets to be copied into a new form. Saved Form Sets are accessible from a dropdown menu and when selected will load the related Form Elements into the edited Item details. This feature allows for creating “Templates” of Catalog Items, which can then be reused for items having identical or similar Form Elements. This feature frees an Administrator from highly repetitive tasks such as reconfiguring similar Form Elements for multiple items. Loaded Form Sets will replace any currently defined Form Elements and this action can be “undone” if a Form Set was loaded in error by clicking the “Revert” button.

The Form Elements can be saved as a new Form Set by typing a name in the “Save This Set As” field and clicking “Save”.