# XML Editor
The XML Editor Actions allow you to create and edit XML Documents.
# Apply XSLT
Action Function: The Apply XSLT workflow action transforms XML from one document to another using the translation rules of an XSLT template.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML Document for the translation.
XSLT Variable Source Name
XML Document containing XSLT template with the set of translation rules to apply.
XML Variable Result Name
XML Document to save the results
# Delete XML Attribute
Action Function: The Delete XML Attribute action specifies the attribute from an XML Document element to delete.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML Document for attribute deletion; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XML String Source
Source string variable containing an XML Document schema for attribute deletion; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XPath Delete Attribute Query
The XPath to the attribute targeted for deletion
Example: /a/b/@c
Where @c is the attribute for deletion
# Delete XML Element
Action Function: The Delete XML Element action specifies the element from an XML Document to delete.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML variable for element deletion; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XML String Source
Source string variable containing an XML Document schema for element deletion; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XPath Delete Query
The XPath to the element targeted for deletion.
Example: /a/b
Where b is the element for deletion.
# Edit XML Node
Action Function: The Edit XML Node action allows you to edit the contents of an element or the contents of an attribute of an XML Document.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML Document for update; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XML String Source
Source string variable containing an XML Document schema for update; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XPath Query
The XPath to the attribute or element targeted for update.
Example: /a/b/@c
Or: /a/b
Where @c is the attribute targeted for the update or b is the element targeted for the update respectively.
New Node
Optional; if defined this would add a new element or attribute based on the XPath Query defined.
Defines the new content for the specified element or attribute
Wrap Value in CData
Option to wrap the new content in a CData tag. This should be used if the new content may contain special characters.
XML Variable Result Name
XML variable to save the resulting XML Document to; either XML Variable Result Name or XML String Result Name must be defined.
XML String Result Name
String variable to save the resulting XML Document to; either XML Variable Result Name or XML String Result Name must be defined.
# Insert XML
Action Function: The Insert XML action is used to insert an XML fragment into another XML Document.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
Main XML
Target XML Document to be injected with the XML fragment.
Input XML Variable
XML Document to be inserted into the Target XML Document.
Points to the location of the Target XML Document where the xml fragment should be added.
Clean Namespace Declarations From Fragment
If any namespaces are defined in the fragment XML, this will strip them out when added to the Target XML Document.
Copy Namespace Declarations to Root
If namespaces are defined in the fragment XML, this will add them to the root of the Target XML Document.
XML Variable Result Name
XML variable to save the resulting XML Document to; either XML Variable Result Name or XML String Result Name must be defined.
XML String Result Name
String variable to save the resulting XML Document to; either XML Variable Result Name or XML String Result Name must be defined.
# Select XML
Action Function: The Select XML action is used to select an XML fragment from an XML Document and save it to either an XML or String variable.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML Document for selection; either XML Variable Source Name or String Variable Source must be defined.
String Variable Source Name
Source string variable containing an XML Document schema for attribute deletion; either XML Variable Source Name or String Variable Source must be defined.
XPath Query
Query that points to an element in the source XML Document to save as a fragment.
Example: /a/b
Where b is the element targeted for the update.
New Root
Option to add a root element to make the selected fragment a fully qualified XML Document.
XML Variable Result Name
XML Variable to save the resulting XML Document to.
# Select XML Node Value
Action Function: The Select XML Node Value action will select the contents from an XML Document element or attribute and save it to a string variable.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML variable to select the node value from; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
String Variable Source Name
Source string variable to select the node value from; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
XPath Query
The XPath to the element or attribute to select the contents from.
Example: /a/b/@c
Or: /a/b
Where @c is the attribute to select contents from or b is the element to select contents from respectively.
String Variable Result Name
String variable to save the value to.
# Send XML to Web Service
Action Function: The Send XML to Web Service action send an XML Document to a Web Service.
Action Outputs: The action will output either:
Success – The action executed without error
Failure – An error occurred in performing the action
Action Properties:
A label for the action.
XML Variable Source Name
Source XML variable to send to the web service; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
String Variable Source Name
Source string variable containing an XML Document schema to send to the web service; either XML Variable Source Name or XML String Source must be defined.
Scenario XML Containing Credentials
The name of the scenario containing the credentials as defined in the config file.
File Name of Scenario XML
Optional file name containing the scenario config, if blank, the file name defaults to XML.Config.xml.
URL of Web Service
Defines the url for the Web Service call.
User Name
Optional; User Name of the web service call credentials. If configured, this overrides the scenario defined and the “Password” and “Is Password Encrypted” fields must be configured.
Password associated with the User Name defined for the web service call credentials.
Is Password Encrypted
Yes/No; defines whether or not the password configured in the action is encrypted; only applicable if User Name and Password are configured in the action.
Timeout in Milliseconds
Amount of time before call will error out. If blank this will default to 5 minutes.
POST/GET; Defines the method of the web service call
Content Type
Content type of the request
Headers (Comma Delimited/Pipe Delimited)
Optional – custom request headers
Bypass Certificate Errors
Yes/No; defines whether or not to ignore certificate errors
The XML Variable we will assign the response
XML variable to save the response from the web service call to; either an XML Variable or String variable to save the response to must be defined.
The String Variable we will assign the response
String variable to save the response from the web service call to; either an XML Variable or String variable to save the response to must be defined.
Response Variable Name
String variable to save response messages to (if any); these are the messages (separate from the response) from the Web Service side of the call.
Error Variable Name
String variable to save error messages to (if any); these are the errors messages from the PMG side of the call.